Which Modern Male Doctor Who Companion Are You?
Which Modern Male Doctor Who Companion Are You?
Mickey The Idiot or Rory The Roman? Jump in the TARDIS and find out!
Mickey The Idiot or Rory The Roman? Jump in the TARDIS and find out!

Choose a Doctor
Pick a Sonic
Pick a Villain
How would your friends describe you?
Pick a companion
Pick a character from another TV show
Which of these do you find most annoying?
The one and only Rory the Roman! You only travel with the Doctor because of the person you love, but there is no doubt that you enjoy it! You are brave loyal and smart, and a great companion. Well Done!
People may call you Mickey the Idiot, but you are smarter than they think. Although people might say bad about you, you are always loyal and always love them. You know when it's time to move on, and you are not afraid to do so. You are brave and kind. Good Job!
Flirty and funny, you are just like Captain Jack! You don't care about YOLO... You never die! You flirt with everyone you meet, but deep down, you are kind and brave, and the Doctor knows this.
You are as stubborn as Adam! Although you have made some (quite bad) mistakes, you are really just a good guy. You are brave and curious, though your curiosity could be disastrous for you! You do try hard, but nobody is perfect!
You are loving and brave like Danny! Although you never liked the Doctor, your love and caring have involved you with him. You are not afraid to stand up to people and tell them when they are wrong. You may have a shady past, but you would do anything to fix it.
The Doctors roommate, you are Craig! Ever the funny guy, you would be happy spending an evening down the pub, though nothing ever goes to plan. You try to be normal but that usual doesn't work out. You are loving and brave and would do anything for your family. You incredibly determined, and that is what people find great about you!
You are the kind and caring Wilfred Mott! Just like Wilf, you always look out for the people you live. You may be a bit clumsy sometime, but you are so loving, that nobody really minds! Your family are your priority, and you would do anything for them. Keep your eye out for that blue box!
Canton Delaware
Canton Delaware
You are the one and only Canton Delaware III! You may be confused sometimes, but you are brave and loyal, and that's what people remember about you! You are very intelligent and logical, and your career is very important for you. Keep up the good work!