Which classical song are you?
Which classical song are you?
Find out which classical song is you.
Find out which classical song is you.
Are you a wild child?
What do you think of your life? My life is...
Do you like classical music?
Are you more into pop music or jazz music?
Are you involved in any extra curricular activities?
Are you a sweet/kind/generous person?
When do you listen to music?
Bach- Suite 1 in G Major
Bach- Suite 1 in G Major
You know how to manage your life quite accurately. When a challenge presents itself, you always know what to do.
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Vivaldi- Four Seasons
Vivaldi- Four Seasons
You are the definition of a wild child. You are the life of the party and if you are not a party-goer, then you are the life of your friend group.
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Beethoven- Symphony No. 3
Beethoven- Symphony No. 3
You have a roller coaster lifestyle. It means that when things are starting to look up for you, something always gets in the way.
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Vivaldi- Storm by Amadeus
Vivaldi- Storm by Amadeus
You have a very active lifestyle and every twist and turn fills your life with more adventure.
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Amadeus Mozart- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Amadeus Mozart- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
You have quite the emotional side and it can sometimes drag you down, but you don't always let life get the best of you.
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The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby played by Bridgid Bibbens
The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby played by Bridgid Bibbens
Your life is a dream or at least that's what you let people think. Don't worry we won't say anything. ;)
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The Beatles- Let It Be
The Beatles- Let It Be
You kind of just drift through life. It's like the song says "let it be."
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Yeah. Classical Music isn't your thing.
Yeah. Classical Music isn't your thing.
I don't even know why you took this quiz, but I hope you let go a bit and open your mind up. Not everyone can be as closed off as you. Try Today's Tunes and see if you like those more or don't. It's up to you.
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