Quiz: What's Your Fashion Style?

Do you follow trends or are you more laid-back when it comes to your style? Find out right now!

Grecia Hernandez
Created by Grecia Hernandez (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 1, 2018

You woke up late and class begins in just 30 minutes. Grab your must-have fashion item NOW!

Which male celebrity do you check up on constantly on Instagram?

What's your go-to snack on a lazy Sunday?

You're invited to your friend's Winter Wonderland Quince, which outfit do you wear?

Which one of these will be the perfect XMAS present for you?

Which one of these songs is most likely to be your ringtone?

Which is your typical Starbucks order?

If you had to choose a hairstyle makeover what would it most likely be?

When it comes to makeup, which one of your features do you highlight the most?

Which one of these is your favorite Disney Movie?

Trendy Girl

Trendy Girl

You're the trendsetter among your friends! Whatever Kylie Jenner wears you will for sure sport the next day at school. Is not that you're a follower but you're a leader fashionista! Your favorite stores to shop at are H&M, Nasty Gal & BEBE

Bohemian Chic Quinceanera

Bohemian Chic Quinceanera

Gnarly outfit, chica! You're such a laidback Quinceanera you actually don't even think of a style when putting together your outfits. You never dress like your friends and definitely put an effort into finding unique pieces that will make an impact. Your favorite stores to shop at are Urban Outfitters, Rue 21 and American Apparel

Classy Ladylike Chica

Classy Ladylike Chica

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast in Tiffany's is your go-to look for any and every occasion! Not only are you proper and super feminine but you dress the part too! Your favorite stores to shop at are Express, Lulu's and Francesca's

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021