How Well Do You Know DC Comics?
How Well Do You Know DC Comics?
After Marvel, it's DC's turn! Can you answer correctly on all 20 questions and become a DC trivia superhero?
After Marvel, it's DC's turn! Can you answer correctly on all 20 questions and become a DC trivia superhero?

Who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne?
Who paralyzed Barbara Gordon?
What is the name of Wonder Woman’s mother?
Connor Hawke is the son of…
Which one of these villains was elected as the president of the united states?
Which Green Lantern Corps member came from the planet Bolovax Vik?
Where does Nth metal come from?
Green Lantern first appeared in...
Who adopted the alias “Siegfried the Speedster”?
What is Batman Incorporated?
Who killed Superman?
Which Superhero lost his father in a plane crash at an early age?
Who did Wonder Woman kill in "Sacrifice"?
Which villain discovered Batman’s secret identity by deduction?
Name the original "Captain Thunder"
When did Clark Kent and Lois Lane tie the knot?
In the recent “Death of the Family” event, did the joker kill anyone close to Batman?
What is the meaning of The Secret Society’s motto: “Oderint dum metuant”?
Real or Fake: There was a storyline involving Superman’s babysitter trying to get him out of the microwave, while the Kents were having sex in a motel
Bonus question: Which member of the Minutemen dated Hooded Justice?