What Glee Character Are You Like Most?
What Glee Character Are You Like Most?
Want to know what Glee character you are most alike? Take this quiz to find out.
Want to know what Glee character you are most alike? Take this quiz to find out.

How do you look at life?
What is your best feature?
Whats your special skill.
Who's your favorite character?
What do you like about your favorite character?
What do you hate about your self?
What is your group at school.
Are you social?
Would you want to be popular?
Final ? Who do you look up to
You are Rachel Berry!
You are Rachel Berry!
You are a shinning star that is dedicated to your dreams and will stop at nothing to reach them. You love your friends and always wants to have backup when you need it most. You are a star Berry!
You are Finn Hudson!
You are Finn Hudson!
You are an honest Finn Hudson who cares for others like if they were yourself. You like sports and music the most. You are sometimes lost of who you are but with the help of friends and family you always find the right path. You are an Honest Hudson.
You are Kurt Hummel!
You are Kurt Hummel!
You are one of the most passionate people to walk the earth. You have a strong belief to be who you are no matter what others think. You are proud to be different and always follow your dreams. Your a passionate Hummel!
You are Blaine Anderson!
You are Blaine Anderson!
You are a Dapper Blaine Anderson. You surround your world around the once you love and care about and will do anything for them. You have the need to protect and sometimes need the spot light. You are a dapper Anderson!
You are Brittney Pierce!
You are Brittney Pierce!
You are a caring Brittney! You love happiness and have a bright personality. People may be taken an advantage of because of the way you act, but you will never let that bring you down. You will surprise them all with you bright mind. You are a loving Brittney!
You are Santana Lopez!
You are Santana Lopez!
You are a determined Santana Lopez! You always have to be on top no matter what. You care about your friends but have a hard time showing it. You have a loving side and wants to show it the best way she can. You are a fearless Lopez!
You are Quinn Fabray!
You are Quinn Fabray!
You are a Quinn Fabray who makes mistakes often but learns from them. You think of life is an average way and sometimes treats you unfairly. But you rise from those problems, put on a pretty face and look at the bright side of things. You are a Forgiving Fabray.
You are Puck (Noah) Puckerman!
You are Puck (Noah) Puckerman!
You are a dangerous Puckerman who is not afraid to speak your mind. Deep down looks don't matter and you don't mind change. You understand life and make the best of it. You take risks and care for your friends. You are a Daring Puckerman!