Which TV DC Superhero Would Most Likely Save Your Life?
Which TV DC Superhero Would Most Likely Save Your Life?
Pay attention to #6, it's really important! ;)
Pay attention to #6, it's really important! ;)

You would wear a cape if you were a superhero.
You'd be a villain over a superhero any day.
You're more likely to adopt a puppy instead of any other pet.
You'd be rescued while falling from a rooftop.
You'd pick invisibility over super speed any day.
To you, being a superhero is all about super abilities.
You'd have a separate cellphone to contact your superhero friend.
If you were a superhero, you'd wear a mask.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
The Flash (Barry Allen)
You would be saved by The Flash!
Just as you're getting mugged in Central City, The Flash swoops in, dodges the bullets, and takes care of the bad guys. He takes you to a safe place. Before he leaves, you thank him and he says with a warm smile "It's no problem at all, (Insert Your Name Here)." Wind blows up into your face as he dashes away. You begin to wonder how he knows your name...
Share your results with fans of The Flash TV series!
Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
Working as a bank teller you're instructed to open the safe by a local robber. Before your shaky hands can open the safe, an arrow flies in and hits the robber in the arm. You get on the ground and cover your entire head. You hear a few grunts and all of a sudden the room is filled with silence. Everyone stands up to check out what has happened: The robber is tied up with an arrow in the ground next to him. You pick it up with a smile, "Thank you, Green Arrow," you whisper.
Share your results with a friend who watches Arrow on the CW!
Supergirl (Kara Danvers)
Supergirl (Kara Danvers)
You got Supergirl!
Just as your work place is collapsing you close your eyes wishing you could say goodbye to those you love. Your floor crumbles, but you don't feel yourself falling. You look up and see Supergirl holding that portion of the building together. She's able to grab you and the others on your floor. She brings you all down to safety and leaves before you get to thank her! You wave at her and attempt to take a photo for your magazine.
Share your results with a friend who loves Supergirl and Superman!
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Batman saved you last night in Gotham! As you were being kidnapped, Batman appears out of nowhere and uses all of his gadgets and know-how in order to save you. "Thanks Bruce" you whisper to him. He smirks and vanishes into a nearby shadow.
Share your results with a friend who is a Batman fan!
Miss Martian (M'gann M'orzz)
Miss Martian (M'gann M'orzz)
You're stuck at an awful blind date and need some help. You tell your date, "That your twin sister needs help moving." Your date laughs, but your twin sister walks up and is able to successfully pull you away from the date. As you both exit the building Miss Martian morphs back and says "Okay, no more blind dates for you."
Share your results with a friend who loves Young Justice and hopes it'll return!