Which Kappa Mikey character are you?

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Created by gwen (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 17, 2015

Where would you wanna work at in Lilymu Studios?

Where would you want to live in Lilymu Towers?

How would you describe yourself?

What's your favorite hobby?

Are you close to your family?

Are you currently seeing someone?

What do you do in times of crisis?

What's your favorite color?

Are you easy to get along with?

How important is Lilymu to you?

You are Mikey!

You are Mikey!

The main star of the show and Ozu's favorite, you know you're the only thing keeping your friends from off the streets. So take advantage of it you curious devil you.

You are Lily!

You are Lily!

The former star of the show you rather pamper yourself than be around all these morons. You tend to tell everyone how it is.

You are Mitsuki

You are Mitsuki

Wait who?

Yes! You are Yes Man!

Yes! You are Yes Man!

The full of energy brown-noser of Ozu, you rather cater to his every whim and be his side-kick than anything else. Anyone that's not Ozu you're not too fond of.

You are Gonard!

You are Gonard!

Ozu's third favorite star! You love sandwiches, your dim witted self and your mom! You're one of the best supervillians on TV. (According to your mom.)

You are Guano!

You are Guano!

The brains behind Lilymu, you are a voice of reason besides Mitsuki. You're passionate about your work and love your friends, even though you're frequently having panic attacks and secrecy of your past life.

You are Ozu!

You are Ozu!

The executive producer of one of Japan's best anime! You're hotheaded and kinda egoistical, but also tend to take the lead and are a father-figures to others. You love your bonsai tree, mini golfing and vacationing at airports.

You are Kiyoko!

You are Kiyoko!

The executive writer of Ozoom Manga, you want to be the best in your field. When you're not working you love to be in your own world reading comic books, using quotes from superheroes and other stuff. You tend to ignore others or say things in your own way.

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