What Taylor Swift Song Are You?
What Taylor Swift Song Are You?
Are you carefree like Shake It Off, sweet like Love Story, brazen like Look What You Made Me Do, reminiscent like Wildest Dreams, reproachful like This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, cheerful like 22, or wistful like Delicate? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you carefree like Shake It Off, sweet like Love Story, brazen like Look What You Made Me Do, reminiscent like Wildest Dreams, reproachful like This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, cheerful like 22, or wistful like Delicate? Take this quiz to find out!
Favourite colour?
Hair colour?
Choose the word that best describes you.
Best Taylor Swift outfit?
Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Do you prefer pop or country?
Best Taylor Swift hairstyle?
Favourite candy?
What is your type of humour?
Shake It Off
Shake It Off
You don't care one bit for what others think of you. You're happy being who you are and won't give in to feelings of envy or anxiety.
Blank Space
Blank Space
You're judgmental and easily lose your temper, but you're also naive and curious.
Wildest Dreams
Wildest Dreams
You often regret you decisions and you're afraid of failure. You're always wallowing in the past and your mistakes.
Love Story
Love Story
You're sweet and gentle and all you want is true love.
You Belong With Me
You Belong With Me
You're extremely clever and you aren't afraid of speaking your mind. You're sympathetic and an amazing friend.
Look What You Made Me Do
Look What You Made Me Do
You're bold and vengeful, envious and angry.
You're afraid of heartbreak but wistful for true love. You long for no more lies and you want a forever romance.
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
You're intrepid and reproachful, sarcastic and not afraid to speak your mind.
You're happy, social, and love to party.
I Knew You Were Trouble
I Knew You Were Trouble
You're full of regrets and heartbreak. You make mistakes and it's difficult for you to get over them.
What Taylor Swift Song Are You?