What Keeper of the Lost Cities (KotLC) Character Are You?
What Keeper of the Lost Cities (KotLC) Character Are You?
Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger is a fun fantasy series with elves, special abilities, plenty of ships, and a bit of humour. Take this quiz to find out which of the five main KotLC characters you are.
Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger is a fun fantasy series with elves, special abilities, plenty of ships, and a bit of humour. Take this quiz to find out which of the five main KotLC characters you are.

What colour are your eyes?
What colour is your hair?
Pick the word that best describes you.
How many siblings do you have?
Do you care about your appearance?
What is your biggest fear?
Which of the following powers is coolest?
Do you like education/school?
Favourite colour?
What is your biggest flaw?
Sophie Foster
Sophie Foster
You're unique, brave, and kind, but sometimes others' actions can hurt and puzzle you. You have trouble making the right decision and often doubt yourself but always try to do the right thing.
Fitz Vacker
Fitz Vacker
You are mysterious and detached when you want to be, but you have a good heart and you are willing to sacrifice yourself for those you love. However, grief can tear you apart and cause you to hurt your family and friends.
Biana Vacker
Biana Vacker
You can be judgmental and unfriendly to others, but really you are a fun and stylish person. You're afraid of other people judging you.
Dex Diznee
Dex Diznee
You're loyal and sweet but sometimes can be a bit awkward and thoughtless.
Keefe Sencen
Keefe Sencen
You're funny, troublemaking, and a great friend. However, you are deeply hurt by the wrongdoings of your parents. You cover up sensitivity with a charming facade.
What Keeper of the Lost Cities (KotLC) Character Are You?