How well do you know NCT?
How well do you know NCT?
What is the first sub-unit of NCT?
What is the second sub-unit of NCT?
Who is the leader of NCT 127?
Who is the leader of NCT U?
Who is the leader of NCT DREAM?
Meaning of NCT?
When was the debut date of NCT U?
When was the debut date of NCT 127?
When was the debut date of NCT DREAM?
Debut song of NCT U?
Debut song of NCT 127?
Debut song of NCT DREAM?
Main vocalist/s of NU?
Main vocalist/s of N127?
Main vocalist/s of NDREAM?
Main dancer/s in NU?
Main dancer/s in N127?
Main dancer/s in NDREAM?
Maknae/s of whole NCT?
Lastly, the fandom name of NCT?
Would you ever leave the fandom?
You're A 100% NCTzen!
You're A 100% NCTzen!
Yea, keep learning about NCT more
Yea, keep learning about NCT more
You're just getting started.
You're just getting started.
It's okay, better luck next time
It's okay, better luck next time
You're new to the NCity? I welcome you!
You're new to the NCity? I welcome you!