Discover Your True Christmas Identity
Discover Your True Christmas Identity
Tis the season...
Tis the season...
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What is on your Christmas list this year?
If someone asks if you believe in Santa, what would you say?
What word best describes you?
What's your favorite part about Christmas?
You finished unwrapping your gifts and didn't get what you want. How do you react?
What is your go to holiday drink?
What's your favorite holiday food?
What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
How soon do you start thinking about Christmas?
What is your best Christmas memory?
Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington
You're not the biggest fan of Christmas, but you don't hate it either! While you prefer other holidays, like Halloween or Thanksgiving, you will celebrate Christmas with everyone else!
Frosty the Snowman
Frosty the Snowman
You like Christmas but don't anticipate it all year. It's a great holiday and you celebrate it when the time comes, but once it is over, it's over and it's time to move on to the next holiday. Counting down the days til Christmas comes again is just not your thing.
The Grinch
The Grinch
You dread the Christmas season! Not only is it your least favorite part of the year, but you aren't afraid to let everyone know it. You refuse to show any holiday cheer, let alone participate in any festivities associated with it. Since you can't understand why everyone loves this time of year, you wish people would care about something else.
Buddy the Elf
Buddy the Elf
You LOVE Christmas! No, wait, you REALLY LOVE Christmas! You wait for it all year like Buddy, and send your letter to Santa in mid-June. You can't get enough Christmas carols or holiday cheer, and wish Christmas happened more than once a year!