What species are you in the Sonic The Hedgehog universe?

Note- not all types of Mobians are included, the reason being that there's way too many. I just included the most common ones found in the Archie comics.

Created by HaloEssence111 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 21, 2016

What's your favorite color?

What is your greatest fear (out of these)?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Which is yours of The Seven Deadly Sins?

And your Heavenly Virtue?

You are happiest when...

What is most important to you in life?

What do you feel is your purpose?

You hope people see you as...

You see yourself as...

What is your greatest flaw?



Being a Hedgehog, you generally have a tendency to be bold, for better or for worse. You are passionate and vivacious in nature, always ready for a new challenge. But your hot head can sometimes interfere with your better judgement and you can end up making choices you'll later regret.

'Forgive and forget' is your motto- staying mad just isn't fun or worth your time. You can be reckless or danger prone if you aren't careful, and your constant thirst for adventure and thrills can lead you to getting yourself into uncomfortable or even dangerous situations.

When you want something, you actively seek it out and find it very difficult to let go. But your intentions are pure, or at least in accordance with your logical side (and there is one, trust me!). But no matter how arrogant or foolhardy you can be, it can't be denied that you are a passionate person who greatly values love and friendship.



Being a fox, you are very intelligent and adaptable. You are a quick thinker and are sometimes considered crafty or tricky. Suspicious and analytical, it will take a while to gain your trust, but when someone does, you'll trust them with your life.

You are witty and creative, which has lead many other foxes to becoming skilled inventors or magicians (i.e. Tails, Merlin Prower). However, some use their natural talents for darker purposes such as thievery and manipulation (i.e. Fiona Fox). You can tend to hold a grudge, refusing to forgive for long periods of time, if at all.

You prefer to work behind the scenes, making clever deals and managing the antics of those on the front lines. Your hubris and emotions can get the better of you, though, leading you to make questionable decisions that you can regret later. You can find it difficult to interact properly in social situations, even feeling as if you're living a lie when you act bubbly or outgoing. But there's no doubt that you have an unmatched passion and drive for what (or who) you love, which guides all your decisions. Follow your heart and you can't go wrong.



Being an Echidna shows that you have a naturally protective personality and are fiercely loyal. You have an inward yearn for power and other's respect, even if you don't always show it.

You are not afraid to fight for what you believe in, but become very stubborn or even aggressive when your beliefs are challenged. You crave action and become restless when unable to seek it.

You tend to revert to routine rather than spontaneity, and tradition is law. You, your family, and your heritage come first, the close second being the friends you consider family. You stay true to your word, no matter what, and you long for honor and recognition. In fact, you will work harder for recognition than you ever will for money.



Being a rabbit, you typically have a carefree and easygoing personality, although you can be a vicious fighter when provoked emotionally or physically. You prefer to settle arguments with reasoned discussion rather than with violence, and would rather admit you're wrong than be unnecessarily prideful. This can often make you come off as meek or a pushover.

Empathetic and affectionate, it's not often that you find a cruel or boastful rabbit, but your natural complacency can lead to you being taken advantage of. You still aren't completely sure what you want in life, but you're getting there.

You are a natural diplomat and are excellent in the art of compromise. While not a 'born leader', per say, you can certainly take charge when you feel no one else is qualified. You’re sympathetic, as pleasing others makes you happy. That’s why others find you kind and thoughtful, and believe in your good intentions. Sweet, friendly, and forgiving, your love of others is projected through your ever-constant smile.

Overlander (Human)

Overlander (Human)

Being an Overlander, you have a strong sense of self-justice, although you can be a bit unsympathetic towards others, especially those different from you in race, attitude, or personal beliefs. Your aggressive and militaristic nature is both your greatest strength and your downfall. Take advantage of these valuable traits, as they could come in handy during a fight or other high-stress venture. But pay close attention to yourself and your choices regarding others- if you're not careful, you could seriously hurt someone, both emotionally and physically.

You follow rules- your rules. You have a strict personal code that you live by no matter what, and backing down is simply not an option. But don't worry- you have a soft side, even if only a few have ever seen it.

Chipmunk or Squirrel

Chipmunk or Squirrel

Being a member of the Chipmunk and/ or Squirrel family marks you with a certain air of regality, not to mention born leadership qualities. You know how to take charge and whip a group into shape, molding them into anything from a formidable fighting force to a devoted activist group. You keep your head on your shoulders when those around you begin to panic, and choose to rely on your logical side as opposed to your emotional side.

You do not thirst for power- it simply is thrust upon you, and your sense of duty commands you to bear it and bear it well. You trust easily- perhaps a little too easily. Loyalty is the center of your personality and you can't understand why someone you thought was a friend would betray you. But anxiety and panic are not your go-to instincts; an enviable trait.

Chipmunks and Squirrels are problem solvers who come up with multiple solutions to each problem. You like to spend a lot of time on research to evaluate each possible solution to make sure you pick the right one. You can also tend to be a perfectionist and want to figure it all out before starting.



Being a cat, you have a strong sense of independence, not really feeling comfortable relying on anyone but yourself, not even your friends and family. Due to your high level of intrapersonal intelligence, you have a deep, relaxed connection with yourself, not to mention the enviable ability to heal your own wounds rather than relying on others for emotional support.

You understand that all things take time and shouldn't be rushed, and thus have incredible patience. When worse comes to worse, you will enlist the help of a team as a last resort, but in the end there is only one person you can really count on: yourself.



Being a Bird Mobian, you like to win. You are motivated by challenges, but if it's obvious you can’t win, you won’t play. You like to have the best of everything and to be unique and stand out.

You are constantly striving for a goal, a next step, or another challenge, causing you to occasionally be obsessive or narrow-minded. You'll follow your heart when your head tells you 'No', and your natural intuition can usually get you out of a jam.

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