What Makes YOU So Special!?
What Makes YOU So Special!?
What is it about YOU that REALLY makes others like you? The answer may surprise you!
What is it about YOU that REALLY makes others like you? The answer may surprise you!

Are you the party animal or the wallflower?
What happens when you're having a bad day?
Do you think you have a good eye for fashion?
What word describes you best?
Do you have many friends, or a close knit few?
What do you hear most often?
Choose a path.
I date a person who...
Pick whichever feels comfortable:
If you have to sacrifice your talent/beauty in everyone thing else, but the one you choose... which do you choose?
Your Look!
Your Look!
You’ve got it down to a T. Whether it’s your expert eye for fashion, or a smile that could likely make a couple people faint – it’s your look!
You are confident, fun, and energetic – you know what it takes to capture attention and you’re very good at it. You have a talent for naturally drawing people to you. It doesn’t surprise me, wouldn’t you want to be around people who attract fun and adventure?
That’s what’s so special about you – your look! So the next time you’re dropping a pretty penny on that piece of clothing that you just can’t live without, understand that you're special even without it!
You're already amazing, keep it up!
Your Talk!
Your Talk!
Whether it’s your voice, word choice – or whatever else you say. It’s your talk that makes you special. But I’m not telling you to go trying to hit the Mariah Carey notes, though. We don’t need any bit of that~
This means that you have a way with words. You’re great at explaining things. You are intuitive, and have a talent for getting what you want out of people. The trick is that sometimes not even YOU will realize how good you are at it!
I’d consider a sales career if I were you, or maybe – just maybe, a singer?
Your Walk!
Your Walk!
It’s all about the way you walk! And let’s not get this confused with just what you feet too. If you talk the talk, you need to walk the walk! You’re way beyond the talking, what makes you special is how you prove yourself.
You are multi-talented, unique, and driven. That’s why your walk makes you special! It is something especially refreshing when you can be a person who stands by their words and doesn’t take “no” for an answer!
Those boots were made for walking!
Your Thoughts!
Your Thoughts!
The bright light bulb has been embedded into popular culture. It is the simple for an idea, a bright idea, at that. It’s that wonderful light that represents the beauty of what our brains can think of – and what your brain thinks of is what makes you special!
You are creative, intelligent, and eccentric – and eccentric in the best way possible. Everyone needs a friend who thinks differently, that’s what keeps it fresh and exciting!
You could probably light up the world with your eyes – be sure to wear sunglasses!
Your Everything!
Your Everything!
UPS better step over, because you are OFFICIALLY the best package! You have not just the walk and the talk, but the everything! You understand that it’s not just about being gorgeous, or being smart, or being cool – it’s about being a good person!
You are kind, caring, and generous! That’s why your everything makes you so special! The best part of any person is their soul – it’s what can change the people around them.
You can’t have something special without a special foundation to build up on. You need to be able to stand up for what’s right and believe in yourself – and you do just that!