Which "Game of Thrones" Characters Would Be Your Parents?
Which "Game of Thrones" Characters Would Be Your Parents?
Let's get to some Game of Thrones baby making!
Let's get to some Game of Thrones baby making!

Which weapon would you train with?
Thoughts? (Looking a little crusty?)
Thoughts? (Rita Ora - think about it.)
Thoughts? (She is so pretty!)
Thoughts? (Did they HAVE to make his character bald?)
If you could choose a house, which one would you choose?
Thoughts? (Haaaaaaated him! Glad he's dead~)
Where would you want to live in Westeros? (Focus on terrain, not the names)
Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth
Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth
Better watch your back... Cersei isn't gonna liiike youuuuuuu... >_> .
Can you imagine what they're going to call you? The Young of Slayer - I mean, even if it isn't that nice it sounds absolutely awesome!
You would be the toughest warrior there is! You're a mix of Jaime's sarcastic playfulness and Brienne's loyal strength. You'll have the pride and power of a Lannister and the strength of Tarth!
Jon Snow and Ygritte
Jon Snow and Ygritte
You're a source of warmth when in the cold, but you're strong enough to fight face to face with the worst of winter. Your birth would represent peace between two factions that have never gotten along.
I wonder what it would be like growing up in the King's Watch... sounds absolutely dreadful, if you ask me. You'll be like a drop of fire surrounded by the snow - a red head of hair in leagues of white. They'll be singing songs about you, no doubt!
Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand
Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand
There is something adventurous and exciting in you, something that has your reaching for the sun and basking in the heat while you're at it. That's why these two would be your parents.
You would be blessed by the sun and grow up in the beautiful lands of the Martell's! Oberyn is an amazing warrior, and you'd be just as ferocious!
Your mother would be absolutely crazy and your father got messed up by a big brute, but you'd be an air to the Martell legacy!
Daenerys Targaryen And Khal Drogo
Daenerys Targaryen And Khal Drogo
While your parents got off to a fairly rough start, it evolved into a beautiful and extremely powerful relationship.
You are proud, respectful, and capable of far more than you suspect yourself to be. You may be surprised to know that many people view you are a source of strength.
You're the child who will mount the world!
Cersei and Jaime Lannister
Cersei and Jaime Lannister
Oh yeah, we went there. Your mom and dad will also be your aunt and uncle, consider the there very much went to!
You're almost evil to the core, I don't even know who let you in here. You've probably already poisoned all the food.
Take your Lannister banner and go take over a Kingdom or something!
Missandei And Grey Worm
Missandei And Grey Worm
Your mother is quite notably a genius of language and your father is a fighting machine that leads an army of warriors made to fight. You might also know that your father doesn't have a man part, but that just makes you special!
Don't even ask, I don't know - and no, you weren't adopted. You're the mindful warriors that crosses the narrow sea! The miracle baby!