Which Ellie Goulding Song Are You?
Which Ellie Goulding Song Are You?
Find out which Ellie Goulding song you are by taking the quiz!!
Find out which Ellie Goulding song you are by taking the quiz!!

Which album do you relate to most?
Do you prefer to stay at home with a guitar or go out clubbing with friends?
You put your music on shuffle, which of these is most likely to come up first?
What year did you become a fan of Ellie/start to hear about her?
Have you ever seen Ellie live?
What are Ellie's fans called?
The Writer
The Writer
You're pure and soft. You like being around people that you know well, and any other people may make you feel uncomfortable. You don't like being the centre of attention and staying at home by yourself or with a few friends is how you enjoy spending your time. You don't crush on too many people, but when you fall for somebody, you fall for them hard. You're also a loyal partner to be with.
On My Mind
On My Mind
You like to have fun and be around a lot of people. You enjoy having a laugh and messing about, after all, you only live once, right? You have your future planned out and know exactly what you need to do in order to get where you want to be. You are a good lover, but you can get jealous very easily.
Only You
Only You
You feel like life could be better to you, and you often get upset. But you stay very strong. You are a strong person in general and know that you have a large support network of people that love and appreciate you. You try and see the positive sides to negative situations as much as you can. Your taste in music is amazing. You prefer to only have a few trusted and close friends rather than a lot of untrusted ones, and you try to steer away from being the centre of attention.