Which Character From "Horse Opera" Are You?
Which Character From "Horse Opera" Are You?
My best friend is...
My greatest vice is...
For fun I like to...
My favorite song is...
Those who know me describe me as...
In the face of danger, I am...
At my previous job, I was a...
When I meet new people, I like to...
Something most people don't know about me is...
History will remember me as...
Wyatt Earp
Wyatt Earp
You are Wyatt Earp, legendary lawman of the Old West. You've been a gambler, a horse thief, and the bouncer at a brothel, but it's your time wearing a badge in Dodge City and Tombstone that posterity will remember. You are quiet, cool-headed, and ambitious, with a strong sense of justice but little respect for the law, which often lets criminals go free. Your greatest vice: ice cream.
Doc Holliday
Doc Holliday
You are Doctor John Holliday, one of the most feared gunfighters and gamblers in the Old West, and probably the most feared dentist of all time. You are a southern gentleman with a biting wit and an incurable case of tuberculosis. You have a fatalist attitude towards life and value loyalty to friends above all else (except maybe liquor).
Josephine Marcus
Josephine Marcus
You are Josephine Marcus, a daring young woman who ran away from a comfortable life in San Francisco to join a touring company of Gilbert and Sullivan, which landed you in Tombstone. Your scandalous relationship with Sheriff Johnny Behan is the talk of the town, but it's this Wyatt Earp fellow who's really caught your eye. You are adventurous and brave. You want to see and experience as much as the world has to offer, and you don't care what society expects of you.
Ike Clanton
Ike Clanton
Described by your own biographer as "cowardly, boastful, often drunk, and always belligerent", you likely would have been relegated to the dustbin of history if your paranoia and drunken threats hadn't precipitated the most famous gunfight in history. You like to brag about and overstate your status and abilities, but you're mostly helpless if you don't have another bully to hide behind.
John Ringo
John Ringo
You are John Ringo, one of the most feared criminals in the state of Arizona. Your violent mood swings, wanton disregard for human life, and virtually unmatched facility with a firearm make you one of the most dangerous men on the frontier. Unique among your criminal cohorts, you own and read books. Your eventual death is shrouded in mystery and remains a topic of debate amongst historians, but the most likely scenario is that you shot yourself.
Sheriff Johnny Behan
Sheriff Johnny Behan
You are Johnny Behan, the sheriff of Cochise County. You're smooth, likable, and make friends easily, traits that have served you well politically and with your constant womanizing. You may be a savvy politician, but you're far from an honest one, and as far as you're concerned, that's just fine. You know how to use your charisma, but you're not much for foresight; your plans tend to yield short term dividends and long-term disaster.
The Narrator
The Narrator
Congratulations! You are the Narrator! That means you get to comment on the action without becoming involved, which is definitely safest.