How Healthy Is Your Life?
How Healthy Is Your Life?
Couch potato or Couch to 5K?
Couch potato or Couch to 5K?
You wake up in the morning. What's the first thing you do?
Breakfast time! What do you have?
Be honest: how active are you?
You're going on a night out - what are you drinking?
Do you smoke?
Pick a celebrity whose body looks most like yours
What's your favourite snack?
Pick a workout.
How much sleep do you get a night?
You have a top chef at your beck and call. What do you have to eat?
Couch Potato
Couch Potato
Being fit and healthy looks fine, sure, but you'd much rather be sitting at home in front of the telly with a big bag of snacks. You probably hated sports at school and have done everything you can to avoid them in adult life. You may not be up for running a marathon just yet, but in 2016 why not start some healthy habits? Taking the stairs instead of the lift, counting your steps with a fitness tracker or just drinking more water are all easy - and lazy - ways to get healthy.
Recreational Runner
Recreational Runner
Keeping fit definitely isn't top of your agenda, but you like to keep in shape. You probably let your good intentions slip, though, and find yourself watching Netflix instead of playing netball. It's not hard to keep up with a routine, though - why not get a gym buddy to keep you motivated, or do some YouTube workouts so you don't even have to leave home to stay svelte?
Gym Bunny
Gym Bunny
You like to think of yourself as pretty fit - and you are (you've definitely got us beat, anyway). You like going to the gym and have a fairly regular workout routine. What you need is a challenge - something to push you to the next level. Signing up for a 10k, vowing to cycle to work every day or going up a weight class are all examples of achievable, fun challenges you can try.
Wow! Can we have a ticket to the gun show? You love to keep fit - and it shows. Whether it's running, swimming, climbing or team sports, you love being active. You don't feel like going to the gym is a big effort for you - it's just what you do. We're seriously impressed.