What Is Your True Personality Alignment?
What Is Your True Personality Alignment?
Chaotic, lawful, neutral, good - what's your personality alignment?
Chaotic, lawful, neutral, good - what's your personality alignment?

I see myself more as...
You start to see someone new - and your friends HATE them. What do you do?
Pick an animal.
You find out your rival at work has messed up. What do you do?
Pick a TV show.
You find a crisp fifty pound note on the street. What do you do with it?
You have the chance to find out what your colleague is earning. What do you do?
Lying is...
I care more about...
How many friends do you have?
Lawful Good
Lawful Good
You're lawful good! You're a compassionate, empathetic person who likes to both follow the rules and look after other people. You probably like donate to charity or do volunteer work, such is your commitment to giving back to the world - and you rarely lie. What a good guy. Some other lawful goods include Nicholas Angel from Hot Fuzz, Spock, Captain America and Princess Leia.
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Good
You're chaotic good. You're a really good person who's dedicated to always doing the right thing - but that doesn't mean you always follow the rules. You're more than happy to break the law - or the rules - in order to do what you think is right for other people. Your moral code isn't always the same as everyone else's, but you follow it to the letter. Some other chaotic goods include V from V for Vendetta, Sirius Black and Dr House.
Lawful Neutral
Lawful Neutral
You're lawful neutral! You're pretty much the most moderate person around - you act reasonably, within the law and according to society's moral codes. You never, ever break promises and you never lie. Some lawful neutrals include Judge Dredd, James Bond and Indiana Jones.
True Neutral
True Neutral
You're true neutral. You basically do what seems like a good idea at the time, and you rarely have a massively strong opinion one way or the other. You can be pretty capricious in that sense, but you're still a good person - you might be neutral, but you're more good than you are evil. True neutrals include The Driver from Drive, and M from James Bond.
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
You're chaotic neutral! You follow your whims, and your main drive in life is what works best for you. You're independent, aren't too keen on authority and love to be unique and disruptive. Some other chaotic neutrals include Jack Sparrow, Tyler Durden and Beetlejuice!
Lawful Evil
Lawful Evil
You're lawful evil! You take what you can get - as long as you're playing within the rules. You'd never break the law, but you'd certainly do morally dubious things within it. You play by the rules, but often not with much compassion. Other lawful evils include Darth Vader, Loki and Lex Luthor.
Neutral Evil
Neutral Evil
You're neutral evil. You pretty much do whatever you can get away with, and you don't care who you hurt while you d it. You might not have the unpredictable edge of a chaotic evil, but you're still at heart an individualist; you wouldn't think twice about stabbing someone in the back for a promotion, for example. Some famous neutral evils include Heathcliff, Cersei Lannister and Dolores Umbridge.
Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Evil
You're chaotic evil. You basically do what you want when you want, no matter what laws you break or who you hurt. You're incredibly unpredictable - who knows what you're going to do next?! - and can often have a short temper. On the plus side, you're good at getting what you want. Other chaotic evils include The Joker, Charles Manson and Patrick Bateman.