What kind of animal are you? Take this quiz to find out.

By answering these questions, find out what kind of animal best describes your lifestyle!

Hannah Mylin
Created by Hannah Mylin(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 26, 2016

How do you like your room at night?

Any special food needs?

Do you eat a lot at once?

What are you most likely to do with your spare time?

What would you most likely eat for breakfast?

Which food would you be most likely to eat for lunch?

Lactating Cow

Lactating Cow

No matter how much you eat, you never seem to gain any weight. High energy foods are your first choice (whether you consciously choose it or not) to sustain you for the whole day. You're the type of person everyone is jealous of, but for a dairy cow this is a serious problem. They are not physically able to meet the energy demands of their high metabolism. Dairy cows especially are in a negative energy balance due to the combined metabolic stress of milk production, growth and maintenance. It is essential to feed them high energy, high protein diets to help them produce high quality milk and minimize loss of body condition.



You are low maintenance when it comes to food. Your food is cheap, you can be flexible with your diet, and there aren't too many ingredients involved. You exercise a moderate amount, but not excessively. Like a zebra, you graze all day. Zebras can be fed on very simple pellet and hay diets similar to that of the horse. Eating an average of 30-35 lbs of grass a day means that costs are low. Zebras are used to changing their diets abruptly in the wild, and their nutrition plan is changed seasonally to mimic wild conditions.

Gestating Sow

Gestating Sow

If there is food in front of you, you're gonna eat it. No question. The problem is, you seem to gain extra pounds at the mere sight of food! You are therefore very conscious of how much food you eat on a day to day basis and are generally quite healthy. Gestating sows keep a constant weight but must be carefully monitored to prevent them from gaining too much weight during pregnancy. Fat sows will have more difficulties giving birth, compromised milk production, and are more likely to accidentally crush their piglets. Sows should be limit-fed throughout gestation to maintain a healthy weight. Less energy dense food is usually achieved by incorporating more bulky, fibrous feeds into the diet. Us humans achieve the same effect by eating things like salads to help us feel full without packing on the extra pounds!



Hey little piglet! Nap-time and getting cozy in a cuddly blanket are two things you enjoy immensely. You don't mean to be a bother, but there are just some things that you have to have. These things also tend to be a bit pricey... like that gluten-free feta cheese and avocado salad you've been craving all week! You're also probably cold a lot - piglets require an ambient temperature of 98 degrees F to stay comfy! They need a diet rich in nutrients but low in anything that might upset their stomach like soybean meal or starch. Products such as dried plasma and fish meal are often used in the piglet diet to provide protein, but this makes the feed very expensive. High maintenance but with so much potential, piglets are the highly valued future of the pork industry.

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