Which American Stereotype Are You?
Which American Stereotype Are You?
Are you young, dope, and proud?
Are you young, dope, and proud?
How do you usually dress?
Which of the following songs do you relate to most?
What is your dream?
Which celebrity would you most like to have dinner with?
Which of these images inspires you most?
If forced to watch reality TV, what do you watch?
What are your thoughts on guns?
How do you feel about food?
Are you more politically liberal or conservative?
Would you like a cheeseburger?
What would you do if a zombie apocalypse started in your town?
Is there anything bigger than Texas?
Finally, how patriotic are you?
The American Dreamer
The American Dreamer
You are highly inspired by the American dream, Suburbia, and family life. Your ideal neighborhood looks at least a little bit like Edward Scissorhands. You'd love to live in a matchbox of your own, with a fence of real chain link. A grill out on the patio, disposal in the sink, all the latest and greatest gadgets for your kids. BBQs every Saturday and the greenest grass you've ever seen. Doesn't that sound swell? Golly jeepers, you bet!
The Materialistic Yuppie
The Materialistic Yuppie
Take a good look at your result. Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful share-able quality of it. Oh, my God. It doesn't have a watermark. You are privileged, but that doesn't mean you're inhuman. You like to take good care of yourself, and believe that you can always be better. Make more money, look sharper, and be at the top of your game. No crime in being a perfectionist! Just remember to be compassionate as well.
The Slacktivist
The Slacktivist
The world is highly corrupt, and you're a bleeding heart. You like just about every page that helps the cause close to you. Sharing pictures of dogs in need? You do that several times a day easily! The only problem is this: once you walk away from the computer you don't try hard to make a change. Your heart is in the right place; just start walking your feet out into the world.
The Military Extremist
The Military Extremist
Sir, yes sir! Yes Ma'am you are one genuine cold-blooded killer, with weapons loaded straight for the heads of anyone who dares challenge the greatness of this fine nation! You can't stand anyone who doesn't respect your authoritah and they're even worse if they think they can take away your guns! NOW GET GOING AND PROTECT THE FREEDOMS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! YOU WERE BORN TO DO IT! ...At ease.
The Redneck
The Redneck
Well howdy do thar! Yer a genuine, down-home south, redneck! Proud of your roots and trashy in the best way, you're a hoot at parties and not some fancy city lightweight. No siree! You're one of a kind! Your seven kids, partner, and several huntin' dawgs all agree. You're happiest just ridin' in your pickup truck, pickin' up some McDonald's, and having some good old Coca Cola. BANG! Your rifle agrees it's good to be 'Murican.
The Fast Foodie
The Fast Foodie
All this and you can cook, too! Well, you can go through a drive through. When you look at a Big Mac, you see a sando cooked to perfection. The buns are the best ever. The pickles and American cheese provide a real depth of flavor, while those two all-beef patties are a real party in your mouth. What is the best thing about fast food, though, despite the taste? It's cheap and convenient. Your palate likes the sound of that! Supersize me!
The Californian
The Californian
Ewmahgawd, you're such a Californian! Now, take the 105 West and exit on Culver. When you see the In N Out on the left, turn left. Take Venice and take it all the way down. Dude brah, now you've reached your result! You're like so totally blonde, tan, toned, and healthy! At least you should be. You have no fear of plastic surgery or this greaaaat new veggie called arugula; you put it on, liiike, everything! Yay!!!