Which Disney Girl Are You Depending on MBTI?
Which Disney Girl Are You Depending on MBTI?
Which of 16 characters are you?
Which of 16 characters are you?

ISFJ: Cinderella
Considerate, meticulous, and kindhearted, and ISFJ would never let you down. They are extremely patient individuals, the kind who wouldn't mind waiting a little longer for their prince to arrive. Even in her darkest hour, Cinderella did not stray from responsibilities. It certainly paid off!
ISTJ: Tiana
If there's one thing ISTJs aren't afraid of, it's a little hard work. They are the most dependable people around, always there for anyone who needs them. Serious but nurturing individuals, ISTJs like Tiana know how to make the best out of any situation with a little elbow grease and a bit of hidden romanticism.
ESFJ: Snow White
ESFJs are the fairest of them all; if only for their kindness and optimism! Their charm comes from a place of positivism and playfulness. With a soft smile and cheerful glow, ESFJs like Snow White can make the best out of any situation, whether in a castle or just a messy cabin in the woods.
INFJ: Pocahontas
INFJs are wise beyond their years and highly spiritual, known for their astute empathy. They can make friends with nearly anyone, from members of their own tribe to settlers. Even animals seem to know that they're safe in the hands of an INFJ, much like Pocahontas' many forest friends. If anyone could paint with all the colors of the wind, INFJs would.
ENFP: Anna
Bounding with energy and hopeless romanticism, ENFPs like Anna are true free spirits. Their idealistic nature is highly endearing and you can always count on them to be wonderful friends. Not known to be selfish, they would trek through snow and ice for loved ones. Do you want to build a snowman? Definitely!
ENFJ: Rapunzel
ENFJs like Rapunzel are creative types that can make friends with nearly anyone; thieves, thugs, even royalty. With big hearts and bright spirits, they possess surprising bravery. Even if they may appear to be a bit naive at times, you can always count on an ENFJ to lend you a hand... or ten feet of hair.
INFP: Belle
There's no denying she's a funny girl, that Belle. INFPs are very quirky and intelligent, with active imaginations and minds open as the sky. They are unconcerned of what others think of them, and may turn out to be some of the truest romantics you will ever meet. Who could ever learn to love a beast? An INFP.
Tough and quick-witted, INTJs aren't interested in anything cliche or overdone. They enjoy a challenge, and their rather cynical nature isn't always the most ladylike. Although they can be snarky and world-worn, underneath a tough exterior lies a heart of gold. They would overcome death itself for loved ones.
ENTJ: Jasmine
Fiercely independent with minds as sharp as a knife, ENTJs are ready for practically any obstacle in life. While other princesses would rather sit on the sidelines, Jasmine breaks stereotypes and is shown to take part in crucial conversations. One thing is for sure; she has sass to spare.
INTP: Alice
INTPs spend a lot of time thinking; they are daydreamers with truly unique minds. Ideally, they need lots of time to explore their intense curiosity and see how things work. Unafraid of abstract concepts, they are quick to show off any knowledge they can share. While others might feel unsafe in Wonderland, Alice felt at home with the chaos.
ISFP: Aurora
ISFPs are some of the most elegant, sophisticated, and carefree people you will ever meet. Kindhearted but ultimately quiet souls, their fantasy lives are vivid and colorful. Much like Aurora, they would likely be thrilled to meet someone they met once upon a dream. It might just be true that a kiss could break one of their gloomy spells.
ESTP: Jessie
Yeeeehaw! ESTPs are energetic and excitable souls to the core! They are doers; movers, shakers, and even yodelers. Outgoing and direct, ESTPs are fast-moving, fast-talking people who have an appreciation for the finer things in life. Their powerful presence and strong wills prove that they are not to be toyed with.
ISTP: Merida
ISTPs are true straight shooters. Attracted to everything fast and adventurous, they thrive on action and are definitely brave. Loyal to their beliefs and strong believers in the people around them, ISTPs often feel most at tune in nature. If they had the chance to change their fate, ISTPs would.