Which Song on Froot Are You?

The Marina and the Diamonds era may be over, but the quizzes continue.

Hannah Toner
Created by Hannah Toner (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What are you hungry for?

Which of these outfits most appeals to you?

Who have you been saving your summers for?

Are you a heartbreaker?

Are you a lover or a fighter?

Do you break the rules?

Would you write a feminist anthem?

Do you believe in divinity?

Which word best describes you?

What is your biggest flaw?

Which of these is your favorite picture of Marina?

And which of these?

I'm a Ruin

I'm a Ruin

You learned how to be a heartbreaker, and you've been following the rules quite thoroughly. Occasionally you feel bad for being a homewrecker, but what can you do? Old habits die hard, and well, you could treat people better but you're not that smart. Don't risk losing in love again.



DAMN! You are saucy, sensual, and totally sexy! Ambitious and strong, you are patient and proud of everything you do. You can and will seduce anyone, and why not? You've been saving your summers up! You deserve to live la dolce vita.



Your priorities have definitely been changing lately; you don't think you want what you used to want. And you know what? That's perfectly okay. You're free to change your mind any time. It's your life: live it the way you want to.



You're looking for happiness, and though you doubt you may find it, don't give up! Sometimes what you're looking for is hidden within. Perhaps you need to take a step back and find a life worth living for: someone else.



You want to be immortal. Ambitious and burdened with purpose, you may feel like a life without success is meaningless. Sometimes, however, you've got to know when it's time to quit.



Take a chill pill! You know what the crucial flaw of your life is right now; you need to forget. You need to move on, let go, and relax. First, however, you must learn to believe in yourself. Make that your main focus and everything else will come in time. You got this.



You are definitely an introvert, obsessed with authenticity and uniqueness. You don't want to be compared to cheap shimmer and glimmer, and you'd rather be all alone than in the company of shallow people. Keep doing your own thing; it seems to be working so far.

Can't Pin Me Down

Can't Pin Me Down

You are never going to give them anything they expect; you are one of a kind, a true rulebreaker! Social norms? Not for you. You are exactly who you want to be: a non-conforming free spirit.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021