Which New Pokemon Are You?
Which New Pokemon Are You?
There's loads of new Pokemon, and they're all extremely cute - which one are you?
There's loads of new Pokemon, and they're all extremely cute - which one are you?

Who did you pick in the original games?
Which character in the anime was the most 'you'?
Which member of Team Rocket annoys you most?
This bad boy's coming to get you: What do you do?
Which evolution stone would you use?
Which of these has the least similar face to you?
What is your destiny?
Stop being so shy! You're hiding your cute little light under a weird bushel! Bushels don't suit you! Go out and be a light! Like: yeah, it's a fun disguise, but it's time everyone saw the real you - adorable, lively and sweet. You are definitely Mimikyu.
You're a Goddess, basically. There's little on this earth more perfect, beautiful, effervescent than you. Your one flaw? That there is only one of you. The single improvement I could suggest for you? That there can never be another of you. You are definitely Primarina.
You sneaky, sneaky little thing. I worry about you, to be perfectly honest, but nobody else does: even though you're a sly little thing, everyone thinks you're cute, fun, and most importantly: cool as a tiny little cucumber. You are definitely Salandit.
Woah! Hey there! You're a cute little thing. Like, let's run it down: are you small? Yes. Do you look like a little seed? Yes. Do you have weird little eyes? Absolutely, a million times, yes. You are, by all definitions, extremely cute. You are definitely Wimpod.
Who's that? Oh it's you, a massive cute bear! You're a bit clumsy, and not very subtle about it, but everyone loves it when you're coming. You are definitely Bewear.
You're a good, smart boy. You're very, very small, but what you lack in size you more than make up for in being extremely loud. You are definitely a Rowlet.