Could You Survive 19th Century America?
Could You Survive 19th Century America?
Ol' Hickory's got somethin' to say!
Ol' Hickory's got somethin' to say!

Which US President presided over the Louisiana Purchase?
TRUE or FALSE: The presidents just before the Civil War were strong and tried to prevent conflict.
The spirit of which concept has Americans in a fervor throughout the 1800s?
Which captain of industry created the U.S. Standard Oil Company?
Who wouldn't you be reading in the 1800s?
If you were a prominent 19th century US politician, how would you deal with the issue of slavery?
Which new resource would you buy stock in?
Which United States conflict would you enlist in the army to fight?
Which of these US presidents would you never get the opportunity to vote for?
Which of these composers could you hear live in concert in the 1800s?
Which construction project opened up the old northwest to the trade of the east coast?
Which side would you fight for in the American civil war?
You Could Definitely Survive!
You Could Definitely Survive!
You Could Definitely Survive 19th Century America! According to your answers, the 1800s are nothing for you to worry about. Either you were born lucky, or you're a genius at making your dreams a reality. Only the strong can survive in the world that modernity is creating. In such a time of transformation, you will stand out among all the others who try to eek out a living!
You Could Survive!
You Could Survive!
You Could Survive 19th Century America! According to our team of experts, the 1800s won't be too terrible a time for you at all. The profits of such massive changes to social, economic and political life must go somewhere...And you have found a way to benefit from it! How else is one to survive in such a secular and immoral world?
You Just Might Survive!
You Just Might Survive!
You Just Might Survive The 19th Century! According to your answers, the 1800s will certainly be struggle for you. But this is the struggle that is shared among the many millions who toil in the factories and in unfair, degrading and inhumane working conditions. Can you pick yourself up by your bootstraps and claim your fortune?
You Actually Won't Survive!
You Actually Won't Survive!
You Actually Won't Survive The 19th Century! According to our team of experts, the 1800s is just too much for you. This was a century where many struggled and perished in pursuit of fortune, technology and fame. Do not feel melancholy at your misfortune, for there must be thousands who fail for every one who succeeds. Just what do you think you might succeed in?