How Well Do You Really Know Japan?
How Well Do You Really Know Japan?
Think you know Japan and its history? Test you knowledge here!
Think you know Japan and its history? Test you knowledge here!

What is the name of the famous class of swordsmen from Japan?
In World War I, which side did the Japanese fight for?
Which clan must you prove lineage from in order to be Shogun?
What is a local lord called in Japan?
What is the famous code followed by Japan's warrior class?
What is the ancient capital of Japan?
In the mid-19th century, which event changed the course of Japanese history?
Who was the General in command just before and during World War II?
Where did the Japanese language initially stem from in ancient times?
What is the name for the sword carried by the Japanese warrior class?
In which year did Imperial Japan invade Manchuria?
Which famous Japanese warlord killed the Daimyo who held Tokugawa Ieyasu?
Which western invention forever changed the history of Japan?
What is the original name for Tokyo?
Which Shogunate lasted the longest?
What is the formal Japanese style of dress called?