The Ultimate Holiday Quiz!
The Ultimate Holiday Quiz!
Can Your Knowledge Last 8 Days Instead Of 1?
Can Your Knowledge Last 8 Days Instead Of 1?

Why is Christmas celebrated?
What year was the first Kwanzaa festival celebrated?
In the story of Hanukkah, what was the name of the group of rebels that fought back the Greeks?
In which year was the first Times Square New Year's ball dropped?
Which culture does Kwanzaa celebrate?
What is the original festival Halloween has merged with?
In what year did the Pope claim celebration for Christ on December 25th?
In what year did the Antiochus invade Judea, sparking the origins of Hanukkah?
What does the word "Hanukkah" mean?
On which holiday did the Western Front of The Great War practice an unofficial truce?
The tradition of the Christmas tree is originally from which country?
From which city was Saint Nicholas from?
What is the first principle of Kwanzaa?
Which of these companies popularized the modern incarnation of Santa Claus?
Which classic author wrote A Christmas Carol?
With which ancient Roman celebration is Christmas associated?
Who celebrates Boxing Day?