The Ultimate Holiday Quiz!

Can Your Knowledge Last 8 Days Instead Of 1?

Created by Harry
On Dec 17, 2015
1 / 17

Why is Christmas celebrated?

2 / 17

What year was the first Kwanzaa festival celebrated?

3 / 17

In the story of Hanukkah, what was the name of the group of rebels that fought back the Greeks?

4 / 17

In which year was the first Times Square New Year's ball dropped?

5 / 17

Which culture does Kwanzaa celebrate?

6 / 17

What is the original festival Halloween has merged with?

7 / 17

In what year did the Pope claim celebration for Christ on December 25th?

8 / 17

In what year did the Antiochus invade Judea, sparking the origins of Hanukkah?

9 / 17

What does the word "Hanukkah" mean?

10 / 17

On which holiday did the Western Front of The Great War practice an unofficial truce?

11 / 17

The tradition of the Christmas tree is originally from which country?

12 / 17

From which city was Saint Nicholas from?

13 / 17

What is the first principle of Kwanzaa?

14 / 17

Which of these companies popularized the modern incarnation of Santa Claus?

15 / 17

Which classic author wrote A Christmas Carol?

16 / 17

With which ancient Roman celebration is Christmas associated?

17 / 17

Who celebrates Boxing Day?

Questions left
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