Which Doctor Incarnation Would You Travel With?
Which Doctor Incarnation Would You Travel With?
Ninth Doctor
Ninth Doctor
You Would Travel With The Ninth Doctor! According to your answers, this is the incarnation of the Doctor you are meant to meet. This Doctor is well known and loved for rebooting the series. Played by Christopher Eccleston, the Ninth Doctor also let us meet one of the most beloved companions of the series, Rose Tyler. As you travel with the Doctor, you understand more and more about the nuances of being with a Time Lord. But you have also survived countless perils and have fought off many foes for the safety of the universe!
Tenth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
You Would Travel With The Tenth Doctor! According to our team of experts, this is the incarnation that you will sail the stars with. One of the most popular incarnations, the Tenth Doctor is one of the youngest with the most energy. Whether you are fighting Daleks, or defending Earth from a Cybermen invasion, you can always count on the Doctor to get you out of there alive. Sometimes you cannot save everyone, and at some point the Doctor may try and send you away, but you know he cannot be alone, and so you press on!
Eleventh Doctor
Eleventh Doctor
You Would Travel With The Eleventh Doctor! According to your answers, this is the incarnation that you would crusade the galaxies with. There are many places in the stars and throughout time to visit. Chances are you will also encounter one of the Doctor's most famous companions, Amy Pond and Rory Williams! If you are lucky you'll be able to spend lots of time adventuring with them. You must know how to find similarities between yourself and others if you are to help the Doctor maintain peace in the universe!
Twelfth Doctor
Twelfth Doctor
You Would Travel With The Twelfth Doctor! According to our team of experts. this is the incarnation of the Doctor you should meet! The twelfth Doctor, portrayed by Peter Capaldi is quite a bit more distinguished than his predecessors, but no less eccentric. You can be sure that you escapades will still be full of fun and danger. This Doctor can be more erratic even then his predecessors, questioning his own morality even more than before. Only you can give the Doctor the push he needs in the right direction. Allons-y!
Fourth Doctor
Fourth Doctor
You Should Travel With The Fourth Doctor! According to your answers, this is the incarnation of the Doctor you will meet! One of the most popular of the Doctor's incarnations, the Fourth Doctor was portrayed by Tom Baker and was the longest serving incarnation of the Doctor in the history of the series. This incarnation had a big inspiration on the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, sharing the absolute exuberant hilarity that Tom Baker brought. But don't let that fool you, the Fourth Doctor can take on the Dalek's any day!
Second Doctor
Second Doctor
You Would Travel With The Second Doctor! According to our team of experts, this is the incarnation that you will sail the stars with. This incarnation of the Doctor was the most experimental and thus has set the tone for all successive Doctors. His clownish and joking manner juxtaposed to his cunning and tactical genius. You know that traveling around with this Doctor will give you more than enough adventure to come your way. Especially when you meet the likes of the Daleks and the Cybermen! Get ready because your ship is bigger on the inside.