Which Famous Supreme Court Case Would You Judge?
Which Famous Supreme Court Case Would You Judge?
Order! Order!
Order! Order!

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson
You Would Judge The Famous Supreme Court Case Plessy v. Ferguson! According to your answers, this is the case you were meant to judge! This case is known for formally legalizing segregation in the United States. It upheld the idea of "separate but equal." While that may sound ok in theory, it rarely held up in practice. The fight for Civil Rights goes back longer than you'd imagine, and you are meant to play a role! What will you decide?
Marbury v. Madison
Marbury v. Madison
You Would Judge The Famous Supreme Court Case Marbury v. Madison! According to our team of experts, this is the case you were born to judge! The case established the right of the Supreme Court to Judicial Review. This allows the Court to literally review laws and deem whether or not they are constitutional in the eyes of the Justices. There are many cases where Judicial Review was used to repeal unjust laws! It is your destiny to make sure this case remains as it happened!
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Dred Scott v. Sanford
You Would Judge The Famous Supreme Court Case Dred Scott v. Sanford! You are destined to issue a decision on this infamous case. In 1857, just before the Civil War, Dred Scott, a slave, tried to sue his master for his freedom. Historically, the court ruled that Dred Scott is not an American citizen, because he is a slave; thus, he has no rights whatsoever and cannot appear or be recognized by any U.S. court. You have an incredible chance to change this ruling before it was ever made. Will you take it?
Roe v. Wade
Roe v. Wade
You Would Judge The Famous Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade! According to our team of experts, this is the case you were meant to make a ruling on. This case made abortions legal in the early 1970s, allowing women to obtain them as a right to privacy covered by the 14th amendment. The moral debate over legality still rages to this day. What will you decide?
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education
You Would Judge The Famous Supreme Court Case Brown v. Board of Education! According to your answers, you were meant to make this ruling. This case overturned the infamous "separate but equal" ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson. The Brown case effectively made segregation unconstitutional according to United States law. This is one of those times when the court is one the side of progress. Will you help overturn a criminal ruling of times past?
Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission
Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission
You Would Judge The Famous Supreme Court Case Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission! According to our team of experts, you are meant to make this ruling. Citizens United deemed that corporations have the same rights as individual citizens, meaning that when a corporation does something wrong, the people who actually perpetrate the crime can get off scot-free. Another implication to this, is that corporations can donate unlimited amounts of funds to political elections through SuperPACs, effectively buying elected offices and putting candidates who owe them favors. Will you help save American democracy and overturn this ruling?