Which Pride And Prejudice Man Should You Marry?
Which Pride And Prejudice Man Should You Marry?
"Yes! Yes! A Thousand Times Yes!'
"Yes! Yes! A Thousand Times Yes!'

Mr. Darcy
Mr. Darcy
You Should Marry Mr. Darcy! According to your answers, this is the Jane Austen man who holds the key to your heart! While at first, you may find Mr. Darcy, prideful, disagreeable, and anything but amiable; you will soon find out his true nature. One of generosity, truth, justice, and philanthropy. While first impressions are important, you are willing to take chance again and again, and each time you do, you see his true nature peek out from his character. You admire his utter honesty and think any man who would speak ill of him ill-informed indeed!
Mr. Bingley
Mr. Bingley
You Should Marry Mr. Bingley! According to our team of experts, this is the Jane Austen man who is to be your betrothed! An unfailingly kind man of a friendly and agreeable nature, you are more than happy to be wed to such a man. Polite, perhaps even to a fault, you cannot help but wonder what lies beneath that air of friendly generosity. However, the more you get to know him the more you realize that his is as genuine a cadence as any could possibly hope for. Perhaps the only negative repercussion of this match would be his less than amiable sisters!
Colonel Fitzwilliam
Colonel Fitzwilliam
You Should Marry Colonel Fitzwilliam! According to your answers, this is the man whom you will be wed in matrimony! A military officer of noble rank, Colonel Fitzwilliam is also kin to Mr. Darcy. Amiable and honest to the very end, you can count on the Colonel to tell you exactly what is on his mind as well as what is on the minds of others. You care only for what is right and true, and in Colonel Fitzwilliam you find not only this truth, but a match of noble rank, who you know you can trust to defend your honor as well as your body from all threats that may become present in time.
Mr. Collins
Mr. Collins
You Should Marry Mr. Collins! According to our team of experts, this is the man that best suits you for betrothal. A man who is set to inherit a decent fortune, he already has a patroness of noble rank, Lady Catherine de Bourg.. While he may not be the most handsome of men, he is sure to treat you well, as is the will of his patroness. Mr. Collins would make a fine husband for any sort of woman, and he is as discerning as his patroness asks him to be. Generally speaking, a man who stands beside such nobility holds the eye of many women indeed!
Mr. Wickham
Mr. Wickham
You Should Marry Mr. Wickham! According to your answers, this is the Jane Austen man you should marry! A man whose father served with all his strength and heart, Mr. Wickham inherited much thanks to his father's service. However, his desire for fame and fortune goes further than what has been set aside for him. It is for this that you love him. The excitement and carefree demeanor which he holds is most enticing and agreeable to you. Never have you seen a man so set on proving his own worth, no matter where that worth may come from!
Mr. Bennett
Mr. Bennett
You Should Marry Mr. Bennett! According to our team of experts, this is the man to whom betrothal suits you best. A man of modest fortune yet noble amiability; there is no other whom you can count on to hold your own best interests at heart. In his library he sits, reading about anything and everything his mind finds of interest, and it is in this that you find him most agreeable. You sit beside him, interrupting only to pose philosophical quandary to which you both find increasingly enjoyable. For you know in your heart, his interests are yours, even if it tears you away from him.