Which US Presidential Candidate Should You REALLY Vote For?
Which US Presidential Candidate Should You REALLY Vote For?
Do you know who you're voting for in 2016? We'll let you know which candidate best suits your interests!
Do you know who you're voting for in 2016? We'll let you know which candidate best suits your interests!

How do you feel about taxes?
Who would you say is most responsible for IS and the state of that region?
Which of these policies are you most supportive of?
Do you consider yourself a...
If you made over $1 billion a year, what would you do first?
Which of these professions best represents you?
Which US state would you travel to first?
Which economic strategy would you employ?
Which media outlet do you get news from?
Which would you watch first?
What should the relationship between Government and Business be?
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
You Should Vote For Bernie Sanders! According to your answers, Bernie Sanders is the candidate who best suits your interests. Rapidly gaining a larger and larger presence on the national stage, Sanders is an Independent from Vermont who cares greatly for Americans of every class. Looking to give American democracy back to the people in both participation and policy, your ideals align with his own, that we need comprehensive economic and political overhaul in order to make America live up to its potential!
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
You Should Vote For Hillary Rodham Clinton! According to our team of experts, Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate who best suits your interests. Clinton is an establishment Democrat, a centrist, who pushes for reforms in the name of the American people. Moderation is key to you and Hillary, yet still she endures criticism for many reasons. We have already had an African American President, you stand with Hillary in the idea that it is now time for a woman to be the leader of the free world. Her moderation aligns with your own!
Lincoln Chafee
Lincoln Chafee
You Should Vote For Lincoln Chafee! According to your answers, he is the presidential candidate with aligns most and best suits your interests. Committed to fighting climate change and regaining the power of politics back to the American people, Lincoln Chafee represents a hard swinging liberal who is not afraid to say what is wrong with our nation, while at the same time giving us ideas on how to make those wrongs into rights. An experienced politician and one who knows how to use the process for the good of the people, Lincoln is your man!
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
You Should Vote For Donald Trump! According to our team of experts, Donald Trump is the presidential candidate who best suits your voting interests. A venture capitalist with massive holdings in many different industries, he knows how to take money and multiply it. In the state of our economy, you can trust Trump to speak his mind and not go back on his word. Representing a divergence from the wishy-washy nature of the average politician, Trump is a businessman; someone you know will run America like a business and restore her to her former glory.
Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush
You Should Vote For Jeb Bush! According to your answers, he is the presidential candidate who best suits your interests! A conservative in both name and practice, he has pledged to follow in the footsteps of his family to create a safe place for Americans to prosper. Like any good brother, you respect his willingness to talk about where things went wrong and how things could have been better, all while defending those he loves. He is an establishment Republican, one who has experience in politics and who you can trust to turn our country around.
Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz
You Should Vote For Ted Cruz! According to our team of experts, Ted Cruz is the presidential candidate who best suits your ideals and interests. A conservative force to be reckoned with. Cruz represents the hopes and dreams of many Americans. Despite being a Canadian, his citizenship is derived from his mother. You love his ability to speak his mind and his emotional constancy. As the first Hispanic American Senator from Texas, many hope that he will carry that lineage down to the presidency itself. And guess what, you are one of them!