Which main Harry Potter character are you?
Which main Harry Potter character are you?
This quiz will give you an idea of which main Harry Potter character you would be.
This quiz will give you an idea of which main Harry Potter character you would be.

What to you value most?
If you were given one wish would you wish...
What do you consider your best quality?
Pick an object
Pick a class
Pick a magical object
What do you see In the mirror of Erised?
What's your biggest flaw?
Pick a teacher
What house do you really feel you would be in?
Your Harry Potter, as we all know your a true hero and true Gryffindor. But most of all your a strong person with an ambition to fit in and find comfort in everyday life, however you still have a very adventurous spirt and a need to help people.
Your Ron Weasley, You are protective and have a habit to get jealous. But your also very understanding, loving and fun with an urge to become popular expected and well liked in life.
Your Hermione Granger, Everyone knows your incredibly smart, but your also very witty and tend to overthink things in some cases. However you also value the little things in life and are very driven.
Your Luna Lovegood, some people call her weird but really she's just a optimist with a unique outlook on life, much like yourself. Your very good at understanding people and seeing everything as the bigger picture. Your logic also helps you to see things easier then others.
Your Fred/George Weasley, like both of these guys your a fun loving joker. Your very easy to get along with and your also very intelligent and have a strong sense of ambition and wont let anyone get in your way.
Your Draco Malfoy, you can be seen as the person in the wrong a lot of the time but that's only because your very set in your own ways which in many cases can be a good thing. You believe in making your own way and providing for yourself and wont stop until you have achieved all you want to.
Your Neville Longbottom, people often don't give you enough credit, your smart, helpful, kind, fun and brave. And value friendship and family highly, you may not achieve your goals as quickly as you wish but you continue to try and always get there in the end.
Your Ginny Weasley, you believe strongly in being seen fairly and enjoy spending time with friends and family. Your very confident in yourself and often get swept up in the moment, however your very reliable and these moments tend in work in your favour.