If You Fail This Test It's A Miracle That You're Still Even Alive
If You Fail This Test It's A Miracle That You're Still Even Alive
How much do you know about your own body?
How much do you know about your own body?

Congratulations, you possess the basic knowledge you need to survive!
Congratulations, you possess the basic knowledge you need to survive!
Well done! It looks like you're fully equipped with the basic knowledge necessary to survive in the modern world. We're proud of you. No, really; Tell your friends.
It's A Miracle That You're Even Alive!
It's A Miracle That You're Even Alive!
Congratulations! You're somehow still alive! We're amazed that you've lived this long without knowing the basic facts about your own anatomy, which we must admit is pretty impressive; you must have some major survival skills under your belt, so fair play! We would still recommend a quick anatomy refresher course, just to be on the safe side.