Types of Health Insurance Plans You Should Know About
Types of Health Insurance Plans You Should Know About

When you plan to get health care coverage for yourself or your family, choosing the right one makes all the difference. However, you have choices when you shop for health insurance plans in PA. The myriad of options available is what makes choosing the right one difficult for many people. To help you, we have compiled a list of the most common and affordable insurance solutions in the USA:
Traditional health coverage
A few decades back, most people only had traditional coverage. Today, these insurances are commonly known as ‘free-for-service’. They work like most auto insurances - you pay a specific amount of your medical expenses beforehand in the form of premium or deductibles and afterward, the insurance covers the majority of your medical bills.
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
Considered one of the best health insurance plans in PA, Preferred Provider Organization's carriers have established terms for lower fees with a network of healthcare providers across the nation. They also offer their policyholders an incentive to remain within their healthcare providers network. For instance, if you want to see an out-of-the-network doctor, you may have to pay the entire amount upfront and then show the bill to your insurance company for 80% reimbursement. However, if you see an in-network provider, you may receive %10 co-pay.
Point-of-Service (POS)
Point-of-Service (POS) can be considered similar to PPOs but they introduce a gatekeeper in the form of a primary care physician. Similar to PPO, you can choose to see an out-of-the-network doctor and still receive some kind of benefit. However, to go to a specialist, you will have to get a referral from one of your PCPs. this is one of the most affordable insurance solutions in the USA.
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Often, when you talk about Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), you talk about closed-panel HMOs, which are the most -- the affordable insurance solutions in the USA but offer the least flexibility. In return for a low copayment, low premiums, and limited paperwork, an HMO asks you to see its medical providers and require you to get a referral from your PCP before you consult a specialist
In a nutshell
If you are thinking of getting healthcare coverage but facing trouble selecting the one because of varied options available on the market, getting professional help from independent insurance brokers can be great. They will help you guide through each plan and help you choose a plan that best suits your health needs.
Author’s bio: The author is a blogger and this article is about types of health insurance plans you should know about