What superpower do you have?
What superpower do you have?
Love watching Superheroes save the day and want to be like them? Take this quiz to find your superpower!
Love watching Superheroes save the day and want to be like them? Take this quiz to find your superpower!

What is your favorite color?
What is your hobby?
What job do your parents make you do. What do you mind doing?
What would your suit be like?
What would you do if someone got mugged?
Where would your base be?
You can move at the speed of light.
You can make a robber go flying with a poke in his chest. You're pretty much invincible but you may have a few weaknesses. BUt who cares, you are dang invincible.
Super intelligence
Super intelligence
You are super smart and make Einstein look like a joke. You can decode a computer in 5 seconds. Invent a machine, even though you can't beat up criminals with your friends, you play a big part in the team.
Whoosh! You can fly, now there's no need to walk to the park! Now who can get you?
Healing powers
Healing powers
Get sniped, get punched, stabbed, kicked. Who cares? You can let them hit you 1000000 times, your body has healing powers.
A bullet is flying at you! Stick out your hand, The bullet stops, you release. The bullet flies back at the assassin.... #Troll