Terminate Your Orthotics and Prosthetics Prior Authorization
Terminate Your Orthotics and Prosthetics Prior Authorization

Terminate Your Orthotics and Prosthetics Prior Authorization
Today the process of medical billing is an expensive affair to deal with and as far as prior authorization is concern, reports are there which says an extra person is often seen hired particularly for prior authorization making it even more expensive affair. It is seen that an in-house prior authorization service tends to end up being more expensive than outsourcing the prior authorization services. This is the reason more and more healthcare providers are looking for outsourcing their prior authorization services.
Sunknowledge is such an outsourcing organization that outsources the DME, radiology, specialties pharmacies, urgent care, orthotics and prosthetics prior authorization service at only $7 per hour. Being a 100% HIPAA and HITECH service we ensure complete security and quality of our work process with complete operational transparency and robust reporting at the lowest price in the industry. Our clients have the privilege of a proper robust workflow report daily/weekly/monthly according to their protocol. With a 99.9% accuracy rate along with the highest productive metric at such lowest service charge, is rare in this medical billing industry.
Our cost-effective Orthotics and prosthetics prior authorization works include:
Gathering vital information on medical procedure, patient, and provider and verifying and validate prior auth request with effective payer side communication. This is followed by checking the patient’s eligibility, initiate the auth request based on the payer mandates as well as checking the auth status. Once all this is done our expert collects relevant documents from the ordering physicians/follow up and provide additional information if any. This at the end is updated by our expert about the auth income in the PM/Billing system. Along with all this Sunknowledge, prior authorization process ‘PriorAuth Online ensure 100% prior authorization submission on the same day with 1.5-2x orthotics and prosthetics prior authorization rate.
So if you want to ease your orthotics and prosthetics prior authorization solution along with effective revenue generation solution, Sunknowledge solution is the perfect answer to all your prior authorization problem and effective cash flow.