The Ultimate Bee Gees Quiz
The Ultimate Bee Gees Quiz
They're one of the world's best-selling music artists, selling over 220 million records in 45 years of the recording business. But how well do you know the Bee Gees?
They're one of the world's best-selling music artists, selling over 220 million records in 45 years of the recording business. But how well do you know the Bee Gees?

What year did the Bee Gees form?
Where were the Gibb brothers born?
In what country did the Bee Gees first achieve chart success?
According to popular legend, which band did many DJs mistake the Bee Gees' first single Spicks and Specks as being sung by?
What was the Bee Gees' first No 1 single in the UK called?
Why was the band's seven week 1968 tour of the US cancelled?
Which single was traditionally thought to mark the Bee Gees' first turn to disco in 1975?
How many copies worldwide did the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack sell?
What was the name of the Bee Gees sold-out worldwide tour in 1979 in 38 cities?
What year were the Bee Gees inducted into the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame?