Can We Describe Your Personality In Three Disney Characters?
Can We Describe Your Personality In Three Disney Characters?
Let's see if we can nail your personality in three classic Disney characters with this quiz.
Let's see if we can nail your personality in three classic Disney characters with this quiz.

Pick a Disney sidekick
You find £50 in the street, do you
Pick a location to go to right now
For family events, are you most likely to
Which fictional teacher are you?
Which pet are you?
Pick a famous family
What would you do if you found an injured bird?
Most of your dreams consist of
Bambi, Robin Hood, Sebastian the Crab
Bambi, Robin Hood, Sebastian the Crab
You are brave and inquisitive, always exploring new places and meeting new friends with your eyes wide open. When those you care for need you, you are always there to offer comic relief, the odd song, and support along the way, like the perfect sidekick. You believe in helping out others less fortunate than yourself and would quite happily ‘steal from the rich and give to the poor’ in order to distribute the wealth a little more evenly.
Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Esmeralda
Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Esmeralda
Streetwise, fiery and fiercely independent, you are wise to the world and seldom do you let anyone have the upper hand on you. You use your charm to get your way in life and don’t see why you should have to wait to get what you desire. Don’t ask don’t get, right? You are very impulsive and fond of the finer things, and God forbid anyone that finds themselves obstructing your route to the very top - they will be crushed.
Beast, Lady, Elsa
Beast, Lady, Elsa
You believe passionately in the perfect family life and all that ‘eyes meeting over a plate of spaghetti and meatballs’ romance. You may not realise it yet, but you also have strong nurturing instincts, making you the perfect parent when the time comes. At times you are plagued by insecurity, which sometimes makes you angry and worried, which just shows you care. But when you manage to let it go, you are powerful, elegant and unstoppable.
Dory, Mulan, Baloo
Dory, Mulan, Baloo
You can be forgetful and ditzy, floating round in your own little world - but still absolutely loveable. You are also strong-willed, occasionally outspoken and clumsy, which may just be your inner tomboy coming to the fore. Despite your minor flaws, you happily go about your business just worrying about the bear-necessities with your trademark easy-going, fun-loving charm.
Pocahontas, Snow White, Buzz Lightyear
Pocahontas, Snow White, Buzz Lightyear
You are a spiritual, wise and totally zen individual who thinks deeply about the world we live in. Yours is the cool head when others around you are losing theirs, always ready with calming words and a plan of action. Your thoughts are not limited to those around you, mind. You dream of saving the world, the universe, infinity and beyond, and you will do it maintaining your pure innocence and a ‘whistle while you work’ attitude.