What does your music taste say about you?

They say pictures speak a thousand word. But, music moves the soul.

Created by HelpGuru.sg (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Quick! Pick One!

How do you choose your headphones?

Which song will you pick on a road trip?

What's the first colour you see when I say........"MUSIC"

Who would you invite for dinner

Country Pop

Country Pop

You are very open to trying new experiences. You are easily happy and have a sweet heart. You are dubbed "reflective and complex". Never oversensitive, you are not one to over react to things. You don't really need anything fancy or spend a lot of money to have a good time.

Party and Rock

Party and Rock

Up beat, conventional, extroverted and conscientious, you love to have a good time and fill your weekends with activities. You have a big group of friends and probably play sports. You don't have big plans yet but you're flying to enjoy the day.

Oldies but Goldies

Oldies but Goldies

You appreciate quality and you have a good sense of who you are and what matters to you. You don't care about fitting in with the crowd or what's "in". You enjoy spending time with a small group of friends and you enjoy the little things in life..

Alternative and Heavy Metal Rock

Alternative and Heavy Metal Rock

You are intense and rebellious. You love music outside the mainstream ones. You love to have fun and get crazy with your friends. You probably can't wait to move out to your own home and start your life with your big plans because you value freedom. You definitely love a good time at a club!

Indie Bands

Indie Bands

Full of zest and lover of all things indie, you have a real love for music, art and creativity. You have a good fashion sense and love for life. Independence is the name of the game and you have a real sense of adventure.

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On Nov 18, 2021