Are You More Like Han Solo Or Luke Skywalker?
Are You More Like Han Solo Or Luke Skywalker?
Film director Ron Howard has just announced the title for the new Han Solo movie: "Solo: A Star Wars Story." Ever wanted to know whether you were more like Han Solo or Luke Skywalker? Take this quiz to find out!
Film director Ron Howard has just announced the title for the new Han Solo movie: "Solo: A Star Wars Story." Ever wanted to know whether you were more like Han Solo or Luke Skywalker? Take this quiz to find out!

Choose a galactic weapon:
Choose an extreme sport:
Choose a colour:
Choose a snack to eat:
Choose a BFF:
What's more important to you?
Which image do you relate to the most?
Choose a starry sky:
You are...Han Solo!
You are...Han Solo!
You have a realistic view of this world and can get by on guts alone. You are cunning and can the charm the pants off your colleagues and friends. You also have a veil of mystery about you that makes you so damn intriguing! People want to know what your story is, you're a rogue, a stranger in the night. You know what you want and you know exactly how you're going to get it, even if you need to pull a blaster pistol on 'em. Punch it!
You are...Luke Skywalker!
You are...Luke Skywalker!
You have a fierce idealism and believe that there's a little bit of good in everybody. You are a hard worker and stick loyally to your morals even when being attacked by Ewoks! You have a strong sense of purpose in this world, and you know you're here for a special reason. You can be a bit awkward at times, but that's what make you so darn likeable! The Death Star won't destroy itself, so strap on a light sabre and get to work!