Can You Pass A College Level Geography Test?
Can You Pass A College Level Geography Test?
You need to get at least 17/20 to pass this test.
You need to get at least 17/20 to pass this test.

A cloud is...
What is the capital of Nepal?
What is the world's second-largest island?
Ireland is located in the ______.
How many continents are there?
And how many oceans are there?
Which of the following countries does NOT have coastlines on the Mediterranean Sea?
What is the capital of Rwanda?
Which river runs through Bolivia?
What is the SECOND largest country in the world by population?
And what is Europe's largest country by area?
The Kalahari Desert is located in:
To visit Machu Picchu, you would have to travel to what country?
Which of the following countries does NOT border two or more oceans?
Suriname is in...
What is the capital of Norway?
Ice Crystals are also called...
The Strait of Gibraltar divides Spain from:
Continuous ice sheet covers ___ of Greenland.
And last, what is the driest of Earth's continents?
A+!! You aced a college-level Geography test. You are inquisitive in regards to a wide range of issues, you are always alert to opportunities to implement critical thinking, and you remain open-minded toward a myriad of diverse opinions. Keep it up!!
You get an 'F'
You get an 'F'
FAILED!! You are definitely not a Geographical genius. Are we spot-on??