How Unique Are You Really?

Find out where you fall on the uniqueness scale!

Henri Ford
Created by Henri Ford (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 5, 2018

Were you bullied when you were a kid?

What is your favorite music decade?

Do you tend to like to change your style or appearance alot?

What do you want more of in life?

If you were an animal, what type would you be?

Pick the color you wear most often

25% Unique

25% Unique

You are 25% Unique! You tend to follow the latest trends and being unique really isn't your first priority.

50% Unique

50% Unique

You are 50% Unique! You probably conform as much as you try to be individualistic.

75% Unique

75% Unique

You are 75% Unique! You spend most of your time trying to figure out ways to do your own thing.

100% Unique

100% Unique

You are 100% Unique! You march to the beat of your own drummer in every aspect of your life!

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