What is Your True Zodiac Sign?
What is Your True Zodiac Sign?
Find out what your real sign should be.
Find out what your real sign should be.

What words and image describes you?
Which word is you?
What is most important to you?
How do you feel most of the time?
What do you think about at night before you sleep?
What is your life pursuit?
If you could have a supernatural power what would it be?
What is your weakness?
Pick a color.
What job would you pursue?
Choose a dance.
Pick a rose.
What time do you sleep?
What would you like for breakfast?
Choose an ice cream?
For you the world is a place to survive. You are usually quiet and keep to yourself, because you are too busy thinking and dreaming about your passions in life. You truly care for others, and feel their pains and sorrows. You can read a persons mind, and sometimes calculate your own future. You are full of surprises and mysteries. You are always searching for your purpose in the world. Your friends are few but also loyal and true. You also enjoy a decadent life but be careful because you might take it to extremes. Scorpios are the hardest zodiac signs to grasp and understand. Your true desire is love and peace.
You are hard working and very organized. You enjoy the finer things in life. You love routines and are a bit traditional. You have set goals and will not stop until you achieve them. You feel you can always do better. Be careful, it might cause you to have more than you need. You have friends each with its own distance. You are a loyal and trustworthy friend and feel the distance is necessary. Taurus are practical and cautious signs. Your true desire is to feel safe and have control.
You are a free spirit with an aim in the world. You are busy enjoying life and getting what you want. You have great thinking skills. You have a positive attitude and are strong willed. You posses leadership qualities. Be careful, some of your plans may not be as realistic. As you live for the moment and make quick decisions, although you do not like to be pressured. You have many friends and acquaintances. You are a bit impatient. Sagittarius are adventurous and the most honest signs. Your true desire is to be popular and have freedom.
You have big dreams. You are very spontaneous and have many ideas. You can easily persuade and manipulate others. Be careful you may take things the wrong way, and create something out of nothing. You enjoy leading others and helping people. You can be quite sympathetic. You are non-judgmental and open-minded. You have knowledge about politics and affairs in the world. You have many talents that you are unaware of. You have many friends from different paths. You enjoy a well quality life and like to feel important. Virgos are very diplomatic and charming signs. Your true desire is success and equality.
You think with a lot of logic about everything in life. You think in terms of numbers and ratios. You have strong opinions about people. You are very dedicated to yourself. You get the job done and exactly the way it needs to be done. You have many qualities. You like to be good at everything. You don't like to waste time on small matters. If something is too complicated you might lose interest. Be careful, you might lose out on something valuable. You think about benefits before you act on anything. You have a lot of friends, you hang out with a few. You enjoy a practical and proper life. Libras are very swift and straightforward signs. Your true desire is happiness and to be wanted.
You are very confident and bold. You are proud of yourself and who you are. Be careful too much pride can make you arrogant or conceited. You love attention and demand it. You are a leader. You are very indulgent and don't compromise. You have many friends that look up to you. Your personality is quite quirky and you may come off as naive. You are a great companion and people enjoy your company. You are known to be funny and daring. You enjoy a rich and popular life. Leos are the leaders and most noblest signs in the zodiac. Your true desire is perfection and uniqueness.
You are very wise. You have knowledge about many things. You are also friendly and can talk about anything. You have many philosophical thoughts and ideas. You think about life and its mysteries. You are known to be very intelligent. You love to teach others and learn new things. You value the little things in life. You are not emotional and do not like drama. Be careful as you may come off as aloof or rude. You are very optimistic. You can handle many things with ease. You don't like to worry. You have many best friends. You are great at creating friends for life. People respect you. You enjoy a fun and easy life. Aquariuses are known to be the most intelligent and friendliest signs in the zodiac. Your true desire is to be accepted and respected.
You are sensitive and emotional. You have a creative imagination. You enjoy new experiences and different cultures. You are very intuitive and can sense peoples feelings. You are very laid-back and down to earth. You are loyal to your family and friends. You are indecisive about your emotions and feelings. Be careful this can lead to sudden decisions and poor judgement. You are flexible and can adapt to change easily. You love helping others and giving to people. You never expect anything in return. You enjoy a loving and friendly life. You have friends from all over the world. You like being involved in personal matters. You have many artistic qualities. You tend to day-dream a lot. Pisces are the most sensitive and emotional signs in the zodiac. Your true desire is compassion and harmony.