Who Will You Fall In Love With?
Who Will You Fall In Love With?
Will you fall in love with your best friend, neighbor, best friends brother or sister, your current lover, someone you met in collage, your soul-mate, or sadly no one... find out...
Will you fall in love with your best friend, neighbor, best friends brother or sister, your current lover, someone you met in collage, your soul-mate, or sadly no one... find out...

What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
When is the best time to have your first kiss with a guy/girl?
What do you like best about a person?
What is your favorite season?
Are You Single?
What is your favorite animal?
Where do you wish you lived?
How would you describe yourself?
Do you want children?
They're just like you... love things you do and everything you were looking for. Its perfect... it's kinda like it's you <3 (But not really)
Best Friend
Best Friend
He/She might not be your friend yet... but their out there and waiting for you... and the day they/you propose... you know everything about them no secrets... it is your best friend how lucky are you!?
Friend's Brother/Sister
Friend's Brother/Sister
You have a little crush on your friend sibling, so they will set you up next thing you know, you married and your friend is now you sister/brother in law... kinda awesome
Current Lover
Current Lover
Stay put... wedding bells are in order.
Someone You Met In College
Someone You Met In College
One bump and books fall, a look in the eyes... its love... you found it right then and there :)
They are just next door... not that far.... just knock on the door... it just might be love...
You're hollow and dont like to open up. And others dont like that. Try harder and love will find you... ;)