Which Season of Jess Mariano Are You?
Which Season of Jess Mariano Are You?
Maybe you love Jess. Maybe you hate him. Your opinion probably depends on his actions throughout the seasons, some of which, we can all admit, were better than others. But the important question, whether you're a true blue Jess fan or not, is which season of Jess are you? Are you sarcastic, emotionally stunted Jess in season two, or a matured, older, successful Jess in season six? Take our quiz and put your personality to the test.
Maybe you love Jess. Maybe you hate him. Your opinion probably depends on his actions throughout the seasons, some of which, we can all admit, were better than others. But the important question, whether you're a true blue Jess fan or not, is which season of Jess are you? Are you sarcastic, emotionally stunted Jess in season two, or a matured, older, successful Jess in season six? Take our quiz and put your personality to the test.

How much do you hate your parent(s)?
How often do you read?
What's the best way to woo someone you want to date?
If someone's wrong, how do you prefer to solve the argument?
If the girl you love doesn't want you back, what do you do?
How good are you at communicating with people you really care about?
Would you call yourself a jealous person?
Season Two
Season Two
Swoon--you're Jess from season two. You're sarcastic and witty, but you definitely care about certain people and are willing to show them your heart once in a while. You're well-read and smart, although you may not use your intelligence the way you could be if you "just applied yourself." You're kind of a romantic, and really great at winning the affection of the people you want to be with. You probably just need some prodding to open up, and a little time and TLC to mature.
Season Three
Season Three
Guess what, you're season three Jess, which means we're in for a bumpy ride. You're all the best and some of the worst parts of Jess. Spontaneous romantic dates, like tickets to a concert? Great, but how about you also call people when you saying you're going to? You may need a little help with the follow-through, but don't forget, you're also going through a lot. You're in a tough part of your life, and you may just need time to weather the storm and get to a healthier place emotionally.
Season Four
Season Four
Yikes, you're season four Jess. We can't help but love that he came to tell Rory he loves her and asked her to run away with him, but he lacked a lot of follow-through. Season four shows the beginning of mature Jess, though, as it's clear he's realizing how much he needs to change in order to have healthy relationships with people. He does come through for Luke and his mom, even if his mom has hurt him in the past. Season four Jess is a good guy, if you can get past the drama at the beginning.
Season Six
Season Six
Swoon, again--you're season six Jess! In most popular opinion, the best of Jess. You're just as well-read and intelligent as he's always been, but you finally used it. As Rory would say, "You wrote a book!" You're starting to get settled in who you are as a person, and you realize that you don't have to settle for the emotionally-closed-off sarcastic shtick you had going when you were younger. You're really going places. You know how to communicate now, and it just shows how much you've grown and matured.