10 Things From The 1950's That Will Make You Feel Old

The 1950's....the good ole days. Here is a list of 10 things from your childhood that will make you feel old!

More Vintage-inspired quizzes at www.TheVintageFeed.com

Created by HighDiveHeart (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 30, 2015

Car Hops

How great was it to just sit in your car and eat a burger?


Hula Hooping

How many hours did you spend trying to see where all you could hula hoop?


Letter Sweaters

How else would you let the world know you were Bobby's girl?


Saddle Shoes

The perfect accesory for your letter sweater


Spending Your Friday Night at The Sock Hop

The ultimate place to show off your letter sweater and new saddle shoes...the kids these days are missing out.


On Saturdays Went To The Drive In

Bing Crosby is a babe on the big screen.


Wishing You Were Annette Funicello

She has everything.


Thinking 3D Movies Were a Thing of The Future

Who knew that was even POSSIBLE??!


The Time Spent Getting That Perfect Greaser Curl

Not that men would admit to it, but getting that curl took countless hours over the years.


Getting Your First Credit Card

Life as we know it has forever changed.


Now You Can Watch the Video for "Vintage" and Reminisce About The Good Ole Days...

youtube embed goes here!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
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