How Icelandic are you?
How Icelandic are you?
![Hilda Jónsdóttir](
You are about to go swimming. How well do you wash yourself before going into the pool?
You get on a bus. Only two seats are occupied. Where do you sit?
You go to a kiosk for something to eat. What do you order?
How many of Iceland's games in the football world cup did you watch?
You are having a picnic out at a picnic area. When it's time to leave, you can't find a bin. What do you do with the rubbish?
You are on a walk over lava stones and you accedentally step on some moss and pull it off its roots. What do you think first?
You were planning on going for an ice cream with a friend. When you wake up you notice a blizzard outside. What do you do?
You are meeting someone for the first time. How do you greet them?
You are driving on a mountain road and you see sheep stand just by the road. What do you do?
You are at a dinner party and one of the guests suddenly burps really loudly. What do you do?
You are purely and thorougly Icelandic
You are purely and thorougly Icelandic
Pure viking blood runs through your veins. You are as Icelandic as they come!
You are 75% Icelandic
You are 75% Icelandic
You are 75% Icelandic. You have been blessed by Thor's thunder.
You are 50% Icelandic
You are 50% Icelandic
You are 50% Icelandic. You got some viking blood there.
You are not Icelandic at all
You are not Icelandic at all
No part of you is Icelanic. You are welcome to visit anyway but please read up on social etiquette first.
How Icelandic are you?