Ultimate Swamp People Quiz
Ultimate Swamp People Quiz
As a new hunting season opens down on the bayou, we’re calling on all Cajun connoisseurs and swamp savvy gator gurus to put their knowledge to the test with our ultimate Swamp People quiz.
As a new hunting season opens down on the bayou, we’re calling on all Cajun connoisseurs and swamp savvy gator gurus to put their knowledge to the test with our ultimate Swamp People quiz.

In which state do the Swamp People live?
According to the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, how many wild alligators call Louisiana home?
Which of these Swamp People have never appeared in the show?
How long does the alligator-hunting season last?
Hunters are each issued a certain number of tags to attach to their kills; once they “tag out”, they can’t kill any more gators that season. True or false?
Which animal is not eaten in traditional Cajun cuisine?
Legendary swamper Troy Landry has been on the show since season one. What is his nickname?
If a Cajun person invited you to a fais do do (Fay-doe-doe), what have they asked you to attend?
In 2013, a spinoff called Swamp People: Down Under debuted on HISTORY. It focused on the crocodile hunters of Australia’s Northern Territory. True or false?
What was the name of the infamous gator that alluded Troy for years by busting out of any line that caught him?
How much of the earth’s surface is covered by swamps?