Chambers Thesaurus Quiz
Chambers Thesaurus Quiz
Think you're a word whizz? Test yourself with the Chambers Thesaurus quiz!
Think you're a word whizz? Test yourself with the Chambers Thesaurus quiz!

Which of these words derived from a place name?
What is a common collective noun for a group of hippopotamus?
Which of these musical-sounding words means an instrument of torture that crushes the fingers?
Which of the following words identifies the phobia relating to fear of string?
Which of these words describes someone who is obsessed with shopping and buying?
What does the word 'Waribashi' mean?
English is full of words that entered the language from other languages. From which language did the word 'Yoghurt' originate?
Which of the following word derives from a real person’s name?
Which of the following words refers to someone who is enthusiastic about cemeteries and gravestones?
When did the term ‘genetic engineering’ first appear in the Chambers Dictionary?