Which Member of 5SOS Should Be Your Baby Daddy?
Which Member of 5SOS Should Be Your Baby Daddy?
You know it won't be long before the guys follow Louis Tomlinson's route...
You know it won't be long before the guys follow Louis Tomlinson's route...
Pick a drink...
Pick a pizza topping
Pick a city to live in
Pick your favourite school subject
Your favourite social media platform is...
Your favourite Disney movie is...
Your favourite colour is...
Your ideal first date is...
Pick a female celebrity...
Finally, pick a 5SOS song...
You're level headed and a real romantic at heart so you can trust Ashton to take good care of your future child. With a smile that would melt a thousands hearts, you'd absolutely have the most good looking baby in music. Well done!
Family is really important to you and they're always in your thoughts when you're away from home. You're playful and silly and you'd have very tall blonde babies with Luke. Congratulations.
You're a bit of a rebel and there's no doubt that your baby would be born with brightly coloured hair. You'd have to learn to be sensible though, you just know Michael would be no good at disciplining your child.
A true talent, we have no doubt that Calum would be an excellent baby daddy. You both love a bit of silliness, chilling out with a huge pizza and listening to some good music. Calum would make sure your child grew up with awesome music taste and the ability to sing, write and play guitar. Here's to the next generation of 5SOS!