Can We Guess If You're Team Iron Man or Team Cap?
Can We Guess If You're Team Iron Man or Team Cap?
The Civil War is officially upon us. Have you chosen a side? See if we can guess your team!
The Civil War is officially upon us. Have you chosen a side? See if we can guess your team!

Which Avenger is best?
Pick a Robert Downey Jr. movie:
Chris Hemsworth or Chris Evans?
Cookies or cake?
Did you see Ant-Man?
Which new character (to the MCU) are you most excited about?
DC or Marvel?
Which Marvel villain is the best?
Team Captain America
Team Captain America
You bleed red, white, and blue. You are an AMERICAN, just like Cap! Captain America is all that is right with the superheros in this world. Did everyone forget Tony is the reason Ultron happened? Cap is 100% in the right and he's going to kick Iron Man's ASS! #TeamCap
Team Iron Man
Team Iron Man
Captain America is too much of a goody-goody. Isn't he just the worst some times, being all perfect and shit. You much prefer Tony Stark's cynicism and constant sarcasm. We'll take his humor over Steve Rogers "doing the right thing" all day. Plus, Spider-Man is #TeamIronMan, so he wins.
Team I'm Here For Black Panther and Spider-Man
Team I'm Here For Black Panther and Spider-Man
Literally just here to see Black Panther. Plus, Marvel finally got Spider-Man back, so he'll actually be a decent damn character for once. #TeamUnderoos